Diablo 4 Xbox One Crossplay

Diablo 4 Xbox One Crossplay: What You Need to Know

Diablo 4, the highly-anticipated sequel to the popular action role-playing game series, is finally here. The game is set to launch on November 3, 2020, for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. One of the most exciting features of the game is its support for crossplay, allowing players on different platforms to play together.

Crossplay is a feature that allows gamers on different platforms to play together in the same game. This means that, with Diablo 4, you can play with your friends who have an Xbox One, even if you have a PlayStation 4. Crossplay is a great way to bring people together and make gaming more accessible.

How Does Crossplay Work in Diablo 4?

Crossplay in Diablo 4 will work in a similar fashion as other games that have enabled it. Players will be able to join each other’s games, regardless of their platform, and play together in the same world. This means that if you’re playing on Xbox One, you can join a game with your friends playing on PlayStation 4, and vice versa.

Crossplay in Diablo 4 will also allow players to transfer their save data from one platform to another. This means that if you’ve been playing on Xbox One and want to switch to PlayStation 4, you can transfer your save data so that you won’t have to start from scratch. This makes it much easier for players to switch platforms without losing any progress.

What Are the Benefits of Diablo 4 Crossplay?

The most obvious benefit of crossplay in Diablo 4 is that it allows players to play together regardless of their platform. This means that if you want to play with your friends on different consoles, you can do so without any difficulty. This also allows players to expand their social circles, as they can now play with people from different platforms.

Another benefit of crossplay is that it allows players to transfer their save data between different platforms. This means that if you want to switch platforms, you can do so without losing any progress. This makes it much easier to switch between consoles, as you won’t have to start from scratch.

Finally, crossplay in Diablo 4 will allow for more balanced matchmaking. Players on different platforms will be able to play together, which means that matchmaking will be more fair and balanced. This will ensure that all players have a fair chance at winning, regardless of their platform.


Diablo 4’s crossplay feature is a great addition to the game. It allows players on different platforms to play together, as well as transfer their save data between platforms. This makes it much easier to switch between consoles, and it also ensures that matchmaking is more balanced. If you’re looking for a way to play with your friends on different platforms, then Diablo 4’s crossplay feature is the perfect solution.

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